Grace Huang


Immersive Software Engineering Program, Web Development Fellowship
Fullstack Academy of Code, New York, NY, USA

Bachelors of Science in Journalism and Political Science, Minor in Psychology, Cum Laude
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
2008 - 2012



  • An app for learning Japanese which utilizes info from public APIs. Users can look up Japanese vocab, view instructional animations, study via flashcards and quizzes, and interact with other users.
  • Solo project built with Node, Postgres, React, Redux, and Sass.

All The Stocks
Web Application | 2020

  • A stock simulator app where users can look up and buy shares while viewing their portfolio's value in real time.
  • Built as a solo project with Node, Postgres, React, Redux, and Sass.

Mobile Application | 2019

  • A productivity app where a cute virtual pet does tasks alongside the user, and depending on the user’s success rate, thrives or dies.
  • Built the front end with React Native and Styled Components; implemented the Redux store and real-time chat using Firebase.

The Armory
Web Application | 2019

  • An e-commerce app developed with Node, React, Redux, Express.js, Sequelize, and Postgres.
  • Managed the team’s workflow while handling guest data persistence and creating the design schemas and CSS.


Software Engineer

February 2020 - present
  • Modernizing a legacy codebase via UX flowcharts, Figma/PS wireframes, and building all of the front end and UI elements for a suite of voter data web apps with React, JS, and CSS/Sass, while managing data flow from a Python/Django back end.
  • Maintaining and building get-out-the-vote mobile apps in React Native which involve having users encouraging their contacts list to vote.
  • Creating a content feed with infinite scroll for SubWiFi, a mobile PWA content sharing platform.
  • Building the frontend via React, Material-UI/Sass, and a Jest/Enzyme test suite with a TDD approach to match.

Instructor - JavaScript, Full Stack

BrightCode - New York, USA
March 2020 - present
  • Teaching and leading code-along sessions and classes. Topics include React, Sass, TDD + Jest, building full stack apps in JavaScript, and Java.
  • Writing and proofreading site, email, and marketing documents, and creating promotional materials such as brochures with InDesign.

Graphic Designer, Artist

August 2016 - present
  • Managed published magazine projects involving teams of 20+ artists while coordinating product layout and design.
  • Translated passages from books, magazines, and audio CDs for clients, sometimes typesetting as necessary.

News Producer

Fuji TV - New York, USA
October 2018 - July 2019
  • Collaborated on broadcast stories while traveling with a team of multilingual speakers, using multiple languages daily to convey information accurately in a fast-paced newsroom.
  • Covered the United Nations beat, recording footage, writing and reporting on briefings, and fostering a network of sources there.

Assistant Language Teacher

Owani ES & JHS - Aomori, Japan
August 2012 - August 2017
  • Team-taught ESL classes to 1,000+ students ages 7 to 15 while serving in a mentor and counselor role, and coached them for proficiency tests and contests in a Japanese setting.
  • In charge of tasks such as event photography, video/photo/audio editing, and IT/network troubleshooting.
  • Gave presentations and demonstration lessons while interpreting at conferences of 100+ attendees.


BrightCode Dev

January 2020 - present
  • Attending classes on coding in an enterprise environment, along with sessions on building full-stack applications and learning Java.
  • Teaching and leading individual code-along sessions on topics such as React, TDD, and Jest.

Technical Skills

Proficient: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Redux, Express, Sequelize, Git, HTML, CSS, Sass, React Native, REST APIs, PostgreSQL, TDD, Jest, Enzyme
Knowledgeable: Java, TypeScript, Heroku, SQL, Firebase, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, Agile


English: native
Shanghainese: native
Mandarin: conversational
Japanese: fluent - JLPT N1, Kanji Kentei pre-2


Clip Studio Paint
MS Excel, MS Word